Toby Hersen
"My mother’s advice for the future could be summarized by the Yiddish saying, “Az men de lebt, der lebt men alles,” roughly translated, “As you live, you live through everything.”"
Name at birth
Tola Sender
Date of birth
Name of father, occupation
Leather tanner
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Frymet Gilbartowicz,
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Parents and four daughter, two were married with two children each
How many in entire extended family?
Very large family: four uncles with large families on father’s side, at least one uncle on mother’s side with a large family.
Who survived the Holocaust?
Me and some family members who left before war to come to the United States and Palestine. No one survived who was left behind in Poland at the time
Name of Ghetto(s)
Name of Concentration / Labor Camp(s)
Occupation after the war
Pharmacist, Factory worker, Homemaker
Ben Hersen,
Store owner
Florence, Teacher and Susan, Nurse
What do you think helped you to survive?
Interpretation given by daughter, Florence Steinberg: 1) Helping others, by providing medicine, by sneaking out of the Lodz Ghetto to rescue relatives. 2) My mother always had a very positive attitude, she was basically an optimist.
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
My mother’s advice for the future could be summarized by the Yiddish saying, “Az men de lebt, der lebt men alles,” roughly translated, “As you live, you live through everything.”
Florence Steinberg, daughter
Interview date:
Survivor's map