Ghetto: Lodz

Sonia Aisner
Luba Bauer
Rose Bernbaum
Bela Bienenstock
Simon Binke
Phyllis Einhorn
Leon Feld
Sylvia Feld
Gershon Flam
Jack Flam
Jacob Flam
Michael Fordonski
Nancy Fordonski
Aaron Friedman
Nathan Garfinkel
Ben Hersen
Toby Hersen
Abraham Holcman
Motek Holcman
Franka Iglewicz
Regina Jablonka
Hela Jutkiewicz
Ruth Kent
Ruth Kirsbaum
Zelda Klaiman
Sol Kleinman
Sophie Klisman
Abraham (Zalek) Kolnierz
Henry Konstam
Helen Kosuch
Fay Lachman
Sara Landsman
Aron Lankin
Ruth Lehman
Manuel Levi
Esther Lewkowicz
Leon Lewkowicz
Elias Magnus
Freda Magnus
Brenda Marczak
Herman Marczak
Paula Marks-Bolton
Moniek Milberger
Bernard Mond
Steve Oliwek
Yetta Opatowski
Joe Parker
Lola Pines
Max Pines
Jack Pludwinski
Mirel Rottersman
Jane Salzberg
Rosa Schaumberg
Felicia Shloss
Roman Shloss
Sara Silow
Brandla Small
Max Solarz
Sala Teitelman
Rose Wagner
Martin Water
Sabina Water
Jack Wayne
Larry Wayne
Abraham Weberman
Dina Leah (Lotka) Weberman
Eva Wimmer
Leon Wizenberg
Pola Zawierucha
Sender Zawierucha
“The city of Lodz is located about 75 miles southwest of Warsaw, Poland. The Jews of Lodz formed the second largest Jewish community in prewar Poland, after Warsaw. German troops occupied Lodz one week after Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Lodz was annexed to Germany as part of the Warthegau. The Germans renamed the city Litzmannstadt, after a German general, Karl Litzmann, who had captured the city during World War I. 

“In early February 1940, the Germans established a ghetto in the northeastern section of Lodz. About 160,000 Jews, more than a third of the city's population, were forced into a small area. 

“The Germans isolated the ghetto from the rest of Lodz with barbed-wire fencing. Special police units guarded the ghetto perimeter. Internal order in the ghetto was the responsibility of the Jewish ghetto police. The ghetto area was divided into three parts by the intersection of two major roads. The intersection itself lay outside the ghetto. Bridges constructed over the two thoroughfares connected the three segments of the ghetto. Streetcars for the non-Jewish population of Lodz traversed the ghetto but were not permitted to stop within it. 

“Lodz had been a key industrial center in prewar Poland. The Lodz ghetto thus became a major production center under the German occupation. As early as May 1940, the Germans established factories in the ghetto and used Jewish residents for forced labor. By August 1942, there were almost 100 factories within the ghetto. The major factories produced textiles, especially uniforms, for the German army. Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Jewish council in the Lodz ghetto, hoped to prevent the destruction of the ghetto by making it as productive as possible. He gambled that Jewish labor essential to German factories would spare Jews from eventual deportation and preserve the Lodz ghetto until the end of the war. 
Living conditions in the ghetto were horrendous. Most of the quarter had neither running water nor a sewer system. Hard labor, overcrowding, and starvation were the dominant features of life. The overwhelming majority of ghetto residents worked in German factories, receiving only meager food rations from their employers. More than 20 percent of the ghetto's population died as a direct result of the harsh living conditions. 

“In 1941 and 1942, almost 40,000 Jews were deported to the Lodz ghetto: 20,000 from Germany, Austria, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and Luxembourg, and almost 20,000 from the smaller provincial towns in the Warthegau. About 5,000 Roma (Gypsies) from Austria, primarily from the Burgenland province, were deported to the ghetto. They were confined in a segregated block of buildings. 


“In January 1942, German authorities began to deport Jews from Lodz to Chelmno extermination camp. By September 1942, they had deported over 70,000 Jews and about 5,000 Roma to Chelmno. At Chelmno, a special SS detachment killed the Jewish deportees in mobile gas vans (trucks with a hermetically sealed compartment that served as a gas chamber). Jews were concentrated at assembly points in the ghetto before deportation. The Germans at first required the Jewish council to prepare lists of deportees. As this method failed to fill the required quotas, the Germans resorted to police roundups. German personnel shot and killed hundreds of Jews, including children, the elderly, and the sick, during the deportation operations. 

“Between September 1942 and May 1944, there were no major deportations from Lodz. The ghetto resembled a forced-labor camp. In the spring of 1944, the Nazis decided to destroy the Lodz ghetto. By then, Lodz was the last remaining ghetto in Poland, with a population of approximately 75,000 Jews in May 1944. In June and July 1944, the Germans resumed deportations from Lodz, and about 3,000 Jews were deported to Chelmno. The ghetto residents were told that they were being transferred to work camps in Germany. The Germans deported the surviving ghetto residents to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp in August 1944.”

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 26, 2011

A German postcard showing the entrance to the Lodz ghetto. The sign reads "Jewish residential area--entry forbidden." Lodz, Poland, 1940-1941.

— United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Poverty in the ghetto: residents wait for soup at a public kitchen. Lodz ghetto, Poland, between 1940 and 1944.

— United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski (with white hair) and SS chief Heinrich Himmler on Himmler's first visit to the Lodz ghetto. Lodz, Poland, June 5, 1941.

— Juedisches Museum der Stadt Frankfurt
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Jews deported from Germany and Austria march towards the Lodz ghetto. Lodz, Poland, October 1941.

— Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Jews carrying their possessions during deportation to the Chelmno extermination camp. Most of the people seen here had previously been deported to Lodz from central Europe. Lodz, Poland, between January and April 1942.

— Beit Lohamei Haghettaot
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Jews deported to the Lodz ghetto. Poland, 1941 or 1942.

— Library of Congress
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Deportation of Jewish children from the Lodz ghetto, Poland, during the "Gehsperre" Aktion, September 1942.

— USHMM, courtesy of Jacob Igra
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Jews, mostly children, proceed on horse-drawn wagons to assembly points for deportation. They are guarded by the Jewish police. Lodz ghetto, Poland, during the "Gehsperre" Aktion, September 5-12, 1942.

— Beit Lohamei Haghettaot
Accessed on July 26, 2011

Jews at forced labor, transporting excrement down a ghetto street. Lodz ghetto, Poland, wartime.

— Beit Lohamei Haghettaot
Accessed on July 26, 2011

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