Joseph Haberkorn
"This should never be allowed to happen again. This shouldn’t happen in 5,000, 10,000 years. I am afraid this might happen again. The children and grandchildren and onward, should be aware and never let it happen again."
Date of birth
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
Lvov, Poland
Name of father, occupation
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Parents, Clara, Moshe, Sol and me
Who survived the Holocaust?
Just me
My parents died together in the ghetto. When I was in the labor camp, a few of us saw they were taking people away in trucks probably to their deaths. A few of us decided to try to run away and we were able to do it. We first hid in a field and then later hid in the woods for over a year.
I went back to Lvov after the war to see if anyone from my family survived. I met my wife after the war in a synagogue in Lvov. She was also looking for any surviving relatives from her family.
Name of Ghetto(s)
Name of Concentration / Labor Camp(s)
Where were you in hiding?
In the woods for one year
When did you come to the United States?
Occupation after the war
Roofer in factories
When and where were you married?
1945 in Lvov
Baker, babysitter, Homemaker
Ruth and Anna
Four and two great-grandchildren
What do you think helped you to survive?
G-d helped me, G-d stood over me. I slept in a forest for over a year, I was with about twenty-five other people. In the winter we built a shelter. It was terrible, cold and snowy. One time we, we were digging and found fresh water running underground. G-d sent us water. We needed water to drink and wash and we had it. You can’t wait for others to help you, you have to be active and help yourself.
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
This should never be allowed to happen again. This shouldn’t happen in 5,000, 10,000 years. I am afraid this might happen again. The children and grandchildren and onward, should be aware and never let it happen again.
Charles Silow
Interview date:
To learn more about this survivor, please visit:
The Zekelman Holocaust Center Oral History Collection
Survivor's map