Experience: Labor Camps

Goldie Abt
Fani Adelsberg
Nettie Adelsberg
Sonia Aisner
Sol Allweiss
Zyga Allweiss
Irving Altus
Ella Baker
Georgette Barouch
Leo Beals
Hajnal Bechky
Bertha Beitner
Jacob Beitner
Acher Ben Moche
James Berger
Ella Berman
Ludwig Berman
Isaac Besserman
Leo Besserman
Sally Biederman
Simon Binke
Rose Bohm
Jacob Brull
Magda Budaj
Albert Burke
Sara Byer
Ibolya Centeri
Simon Cieck
Albert Cimmer
Sarah Cwagenberg
Raya Danishevskaya
Hilde Dreifus
Wanda Dumon
Arnold Einhorn
Phyllis Einhorn
Ann Eisenberg
Irena Erlich
Louis Falek
Joseph Farkas
Golda Feingold
Leon Feld
Charlotte Firestone
Max Fischel
Sophie Fischel
Ben Fisk
Fryda Fleish
Doris Friedman
Pearl Friedman
Joseph Gajda
Nathan Garfinkel
Tola Gilbert
Menachem Glaser
Mike Gluck
Martin Goldberg
Etka Goldenberg
Ilona Goldman
Ben Goldner
Leon Greenbaum
Alex Greenberger
Isaac Greener
Paula Gringlas
Sol Gringlas
Emery Grosinger
Lena Gross
Wolf Gruca
Rosa Grunfeld
Joseph Haberkorn
Agnes Helfman
Otto Herczeg
Frances Herman
Ben Hersen
Motek Holcman
Sally Horwitz
Mike Judikovic
Hela Jutkiewicz
Fred Kandel
Ernest Kappel
Alex Karp
Livia Katan
Benjamin Kawer
Hershel Kelman
Ruth Kent
Magda Kessler
Zelda Klaiman
Abraham Klein
Anna Klein
Bernard Klein
Emery Klein
Frida Klein
Viola Klein
Sol Kleinman
Bernard Klisman
Sophie Klisman
Sheri Kohen
Zalman (Zoli) Kohen
Abraham (Zalek) Kolnierz
Helen Kosuch
Edith Kozlowski
Marvin Kozlowski
Max Kozlowski
Gerry Kraus
Paul Kreisman
Alice Kroh
Henry Krystal
Alex Kuczynski
Lola Kwasniewski
Fay Lachman
Nathan Lachman
George Laksberger
Israel Landa
Marcus Last
Mayer Lebovic
Felicia Lefkowitz
Manfred Lehman
Ruth Lehman
Miriam Lengel
Gary Lenzner
Michael Lerman
Henry Lewin
Bendet Lewkowicz
Esther Lewkowicz
Jack Lipton
Magda Losonci
Eva Mames
Aldabert Mann
Eby Mann
Brenda Marczak
Martin Marks
Ira Mechlowitz
Bessie Mittelman
Ester Moncznik
Bernard Mond
Ben Moskovitz
Ida Moskovitz
Regina Muskovitz
Diane Neuman
Eva Nove
Sam Offen
George Ohrenstein
Steve Oliwek
Herman Opatowski
Thomas Pallos
Richard Pergament
Gloria Pesis
Henry Pestka
Irene Petrinitz
Rose Pilcowitz
Ted Pilcowitz
Lola Pines
Max Pines
Helga Plonskier
Esther Posner
Phyllis Potach
Esther Praw
Harry Praw
Samuel Pruchno
Samuel Raab
Shirley Radin
Saul Raimi
Norbert Reinstein
Selma Rich
Alice Rosen
Yetti Rosenthal
Fay Rotberg
Samuel Rotberg
Edith Roth
Hershel Roth
Jenoe Roth
Joseph Roth
Tobi Roth
Zoltan Rubin
Mania Salinger
Aaron Salzberg
Katherine "Kathy" Sattler
Julius Schaumberg
Rosa Schaumberg
Vera Schey
Lola Schonberger
Margaret Schwartz
Margit Schwartz
Simon Schwartzberg
Sam Seltzer
Sam Seltzer
Felicia Shloss
Roman Shloss
Josef Slaim
Irene Snitchler
Max Solarz
William Sperber
Joseph Steuer
Charles Strassberg
Ben Sweet
Fela Szymkowicz
Esther Tabachnik
Lola Taubman
Magdalene Thirman
Marcel Thirman
Harry Tuchklaper
Sally Tuchklaper
Morris Tugman
Julian Wagner
Rose Wagner
Melanie Wallis
Anna Wasserman
Sabina Water
Jack Wayne
Larry Wayne
Mark Webber
Ruth Webber
Leo Weber
Zita Weber
Jack Weinberger
Sam Weinberger
Sarah Weinberger
Harry Weinstein
Abraham Weintraub
Clara Weis
Elena Weiss
Erna Weiss
Eva Weiss
Lilly Weiss
Michael Weiss
Regina Weiss
Shari Weiss
Sidy Weiss
Philipp Wimmer
Sol Winkler
Abram Winogron
Rose Winogron
Rella Wizenberg
Lillian Wohl
Sara York
Bella Zarnowiecki
Berl Zicherman
Harold Zuker
Aron Zygelman
“The Nazis subjected millions of people (both Jews and other victim groups) to forced labor under brutal conditions. From the establishment of the first Nazi concentration camps and detention facilities in the winter of 1933, forced labor -- often pointless and humiliating, and imposed without proper equipment, clothing, nourishment, or rest -- formed a core part of the concentration camp regimen. 

‘Even before the war began, the Nazis imposed forced labor on Jewish civilians, both inside and outside concentration camps. As early as 1937, the Nazis increasingly exploited the forced labor of so-called "enemies of the state" for economic gain and to meet desperate labor shortages. By the end of that year, most Jewish males residing in Germany were required to perform forced labor for various government agencies. 

“When Germany conquered Poland in the autumn of 1939 and established the Generalgouvernement, the German occupation authorities required all Jewish and Polish males to perform unpaid forced labor. The German authorities required Polish Jews to live in ghettos and deployed them at forced labor, much of it manual. For example, in the Lodz ghetto, German state and private entrepreneurs established 96 plants and factories that produced goods for the German war effort. Forced-labor practices escalated in the spring of 1942, following changes in the administration of concentration camps. 

“For Jews, the ability to work often meant the potential to survive after the Nazis began to implement the "Final Solution," the plan to murder all of European Jewry. Jews deemed physically unable to work were often the first to be shot or deported. 

“The Nazis also pursued a conscious policy of "annihilation through work," under which certain categories of prisoners were literally worked to death; in this policy, camp prisoners were forced to work under conditions that would directly and deliberately lead to illness, injury, and death. For example, at the Mauthausen concentration camp, emaciated prisoners were forced to run up 186 steps out of a stone quarry while carrying heavy boulders. 

“Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Germans allowed millions of Soviet prisoners of war (POWs) to die through a deliberate policy of neglect (insufficient food, clothing, shelter, or medical care). However, in the spring of 1942, the German authorities also began to deploy Soviet POWs at forced labor in various war-related industries. From 1942-1944, the Germans deported nearly three million Soviet citizens to Germany, Austria, and Bohemia-Moravia as forced laborers. 

“At the end of the war, millions of non-German displaced persons were left in Germany, including some tens of thousands of Jews who had survived the "Final Solution," victims of Nazi policies of deportation for forced labor.”

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 22, 2011

Jewish women who were seized for forced labor sort expropriated cloth. Lodz ghetto, Poland, date uncertain.

Beit Lohamei Haghettaot
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 22, 2011

Children forced laborers in a carpentry shop. Kovno ghetto, Lithuania, between 1941 and 1944.

— United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 22, 2011

Returning from work in a stone quarry, forced laborers carry stones more than six miles to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, date uncertain.

— Federation Nationale des Deportes et Internes Resistants et Patriots
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 22, 2011

Jewish forced laborers in the quarry of a forced-labor camp established by the Hungarian government. Tokaj, Hungary, 1940.

— Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum Torteneti Fenykeptar
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 22, 2011

Prisoners at forced labor in the Siemens factory. Auschwitz camp, Poland, 1940-1944.

— Federation Nationale des Deportes et Internes Resistants et Patriots
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on July 22, 2011

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