Date of birth
Where were you born?
Name of father, occupation
Alter Pincus Berman, Manufactured Sheepskin Coats
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Sara Pearl, Homemaker
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Jacob, Shua, Motel, Moishe, Hancha, Aria, Chaya, Mendel, Simcha, Nathan, Fayga,
Who survived the Holocaust?
Myself, 4 Siblings, and 3 Cousins
I Had a wonderful life before the war. Attended School, played soccer, got together with friends, dated.  Worked in the family business producing sheepskin coats. I was drafted into the Polish Army right before WW11 started.
 During the war my family and I were imprisoned in our family factory and forced to manufacture sheepskin coats for the German Army to wear during the cold winter months. When we ran out of sheepskin material they placed me and my family on a train bound for Treblinka. I along with 4 siblings jumped from the moving train and spent the rest of the war in hiding. The rest of the family went on to Treblinka where they perished.

What DP Camp were you after the war?
Yes, in Lundshut Germany
Where did you settle?
Detroit, Michigan
How is it that you came to Michigan?
We had a friends in Detroit who sponsored us so after arriving in Ellis Island we traveled to Detroit
Occupation after the war
Fisher Body Plant and Samsonite Luggage as a leather cutter
When and where were you married?
Lodz, Poland, November, 1945
Rena, Homemaker
Alex and Helen
Jeffrey, Danny, Adam, Jason & Bradley
What do you think helped you to survive?
We survived because of the help of righteous gentiles who helped us along the way and our extreme will to live!

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