Hershel Roth
"1) Do not say it will not happen here. 2) Where was G-d during the Holocaust, I’ll tell you my feelings on that...instead of saying where was G-d, we should say where were the men of the 20th century. There were very, very few who took the risk to save Jews."
Name at birth
Reb Hershl Roth
Date of birth
Where did you grow up?
Kalev, Hungary
Name of father, occupation
Josef Roth,
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Maria Lustig,
Homemaker, mother of nine
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Parents, Dinah, Feigeh, Mayer, Yecheskal, Machleh, Hanna-Leah, Rochel, Soreh and I
Who survived the Holocaust?
Dinah, Feigeh and I
Name of Ghetto(s)
Name of Concentration / Labor Camp(s)
When did you come to the United States?
February, 1948
Occupation after the war
Teacher and Mohel
When and where were you married?
1951 in USA
Cindy Elefant Roth
Five: Matl, Mirl, Yoel, David, and Devorah
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
1) Do not say it will not happen here.
2) Where was G-d during the Holocaust, I’ll tell you my feelings on that...instead of saying where was G-d, we should say where were the men of the 20th century. There were very, very few who took the risk to save Jews.
Charles Silow
Interview date:
To learn more about this survivor, please visit:
The Zekelman Holocaust Center Oral History Collection
Survivor's map