Alice Kroh
"Keep your faith, be religious. G-d will bless you. And never forget what your mother taught you. Be good Jews!!!"
Name at birth
Alice Singer
Date of birth
Where did you grow up?
Budapest, Hungary.
Name of father, occupation
Leopold Singer,
Sold machinery.
Maiden name of mother, occupation
Bertha Friedman,
Kindergarten Teacher.
Immediate family (names, birth order)
Parents, me, and my sister Irma Singer Schoenberger.
Who survived the Holocaust?
My parents and I, my sister, Irma Schoenberger, her husband and her daughter, Erica Schoenberger Rovinsky.
I hid in a basement in Angyalfold, near Budapest, with my sister, niece and another family, from 1944-1945. My fiancé was sent to Russia to an Arbeits Lager (a work camp); he was later killed in Russia. I moved around a lot. The Printer’s Union, non-Jews who were against the Communists and Nazis, would take Jews and hide them in empty houses. I had a maid who belonged to the Printer’s Union. I hid with my sister and niece. When the Russian came and freed the city, I found that my parents were still alive.
Where were you in hiding?
I hid in a basement in Angyalfold, near Budapest, with my sister, niece and another family, from 1944-1945.
When and where were you married?
1945 in Budapest.
William Kroh
Edward Kroh and Lawrence Kroh.
What do you think helped you to survive?
I was a pessimist and I was always suspicious. I don’t know how I survived. I lost my first husband in 1942. He was in a Russian labor camp. When he died, I was very sick. Then I decided to fight to save the rest of my family. I had the strength to survive so that I could help the rest of my family to survive.
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
Keep your faith, be religious. G-d will bless you. And never forget what your mother taught you. Be good Jews!!!
Survivor's map