Alex Hauser
" I lost my father and mother, my six year old son, my first wife, my brother, my two sisters with children and many relatives. Never forget. Every night I still dream about my lost family."
Year of birth
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
Who survived the Holocaust?
Me and my brother -in-law and his friend
I was drafted into the Hungarian army in 1941. I was in a forced Russian labor camp for three years. I was liberated in May, 1945. I went to a displaced persons camp and then took a train to my home town of Miskolc. I found my brother-in-law and his friend Sandor Weisz. Together, we awaited news of our families. It wasn’t long however when a young man returning from Auschwitz brought back heartbreaking news about what happened to each of his family members. It was unbelievable that the once civilized Germans were capable of these monstrous acts. Not long after, I met Helen while traveling to Budapest.
Name of Ghetto(s)
Name of Concentration / Labor Camp(s)
Andrew, cardiologist and Mark, entertainer
Four: Elizabeth, Jessica, Emily, and Adam
What message would you like to leave for future generations?
I lost my father and mother, my six year old son, my first wife, my brother, my two sisters with children and many relatives.
Never forget. Every night I still dream about my lost family.
Charles Silow
Interview date:
Survivor's map