Experience: Swedish Red Cross

Rose Bernbaum
Lanka Ilkow
Ruth Lehman
Mirel Rottersman
Eva Weiss
Eva Wimmer
“The Swedish government also initiated an operation to rescue Hungarian Jewry. In 1944 Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg was sent to Budapest to save Jews on their way to deportation. He and his staff, along with the Swedish Red Cross, rescued thousands of Hungarian Jews.”

Yad Vashem. Shoah Resource Center.  “Sweden.”
Accessed on 6/11/11.

Hassleholm, Sweden, Swedish Red Cross rescuers before their departure for Germany, postwar

Accessed on 6/11/11.

Hofgeismar, Germany, Swedish Red Cross representatives in a DP camp.
Yad Vashem. Photo Archives. 
Accessed on 6/11/11.

Budapest, Hungary, 1944, A Swedish Red Cross food storeroom.
Accessed on 6/11/11.

Count Bernadotte Folke, Deputy President of the Swedish Red Cross (on the right), inspecting the transfer of survivors from camp Ravensbrueck to Sweden, April 1945
Accessed on 6/11/11.

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