Experience: Maly Trostenets

Lidia Meltzer
“Zdenek Lederer’s  Ghetto Theresienstadt, published in 1953, gave a complete listing of each deportation train into Theresienstadt, and each deportation out of the ghetto to the death camps, with considerable details about the fate of each train, some of which were sent to Riga, some to Izbica, some to Treblinka, many to Auschwitz. It was Lederer who identified Maly Trostenets (eleven miles from Minsk) as the destination and place of death of 23,500 Jews from Theresienstadt alone. From most of the trains to Maly Trostenets, each with a thousand Jews on board, there were no survivors. I drew a map of these deportations in my recent book  Never Again: A History of the Holocaust. Maly Trostenets still awaits its historian. For my own references to it in  The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy, I was able to obtain material from Leningrad (in 1984) from a young refusenik historian, Igor Kotler, who is now with the Shoah Foundation in Los Angeles.”

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Accessed on August 3, 2011

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